Sensor solutions provider HENSOLDT has achieved a far-reaching technological leap in the advancement of technologies to control the electromagnetic spectrum.
Combining artificial intelligence,.
Sensor solutions provider HENSOLDT is vigorously pushing ahead with the development of a collision warning system for civil and military drones: after the radar sensor as the core element of a.
Hensoldt s collision warning system for drones ready for take-off
TAUFKIRCHEN, 5 days ago Sensor solutions provider Hensoldt is vigorously pushing ahead with the development of a collision warning system for civil and military drones. This was done after the radar sensor as the core element of a collision warning system was already successfully tested in flight as part of the ProSA-n (military) and KoKo2 (civil) study programmes, work on the software required for interaction with an autopilot is well advanced. As early as this summer, a demonstrator of the collision warning system is to prove in flight tests that the sensor performance and the software-supported avoidance logic correspond correctly with the autopilot.