Being rough or chained to a wheelchair was starving themselves to a skeletal shadow or in order to muss themselves in the internal life of some imagined hero overland but far fewer people know that this American method acting as it s known has its roots in the work of a legendary Russian theater director from the beginning of the 20th century called Constantine Stanislav ski So what was done is lost his method and why does it prove so influential all over the world on the poor and today we bring together a Russian theatre historian a drama professor and an actor and director schooled in the Stanislav toolkit that s the form on Stanislav ski after the nice. Hello this is David Alston with the b.b.c. News campaigning has started for the regional election to be held in Catalonia on the 21st of December even though the leading pro independence politicians face charges of rebellion and sedition in the Spanish courts the main left wing separatist party is scary Republican a whose leader is