Parvovirus –B19 is an erythrotropic virus that selectively targets human red blood cells and their precursors.
29 In patients with SCD, this can lead to life-threatening anemia due to abrupt cessation of erythropoiesis. Features are new or worsening signs of anemia, with an acute drop in hemoglobin and reticulocytopenia in the absence of blood loss or sequestration. Urgent recognition and transfusion are necessary to prevent circulatory failure and death.
Splenic Complications
Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitides and
Salmonella species, leaving patients prone to life-threatening infections such as pneumonia, meningitis, osteomyelitis and sepsis. As a result, all febrile illnesses are considered medical emergencies until proven otherwise in infants and under-immunized children. Routine childhood vaccines are monitored and usually administered through primary care providers, with the addition of extended pneumococcal and meningococcal vaccines as standard of care. Th