cut, unemployment benefits, tax credits for businesses, protection against bias for unemployed job applicants. despite the president s hard line push to nas bill and tireless national campaign, obama s jobs plan essentially die ted hands of senate republicans tuesday on a key procedural vote. 60 votes were needed. clearly, the votes just weren t there. the president knew it was coming. he now has to rethink and regroup. the republicans don t exactly have a concrete alternative jobs bill to fix the problem. so the big question is what happens now? are we back to square one or do we call it plan b? whatever you want to call it let s talk about it with someone who knows a lot about it chief national correspondent and anchor, john king, joining us live now from washington. hi there, john. so the president, he says that he is prepared to break his jobs bill now into pieces in the hopes of getting parts of it throughsome that the answer here, do you think? it is the only answer b