democrats who are joining that way of thinking. to act jack a dn below fox news correspondence and focus today. first lock we break through to the truth? this did not just start with put an end the war and we know that, but have by how much is that kind of talking from the white house wrong? what are the dollars and cents of the question marks because they can keep saying it s a putin price i d come they can say this may times they want till they are blue in the phase it doesn t make it true, harris. half of the inflation we saw with food prices and gas prices came well before putin invaded the ukraine, right? so you re looking at this in the white house will keep pointing to this and say well it didn t rise as fast as the overall number. that stripped out food and gas. food and gas are to go the most important things when it comes to the american families budget. this inflation has been so persistent, you can t strip those items out right now.