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reporter: at the wall street s london office, gershkovich s boss says he s a victim of plummeting relations between russia and the united states. he was a journalist doing his job and journalism should not be a crime. reporter: other journalists describe feeling completely alone held at the prison. the monotony only broken by reading and the joy of mail. richard engel, nbc news. russia s deputy foreign affairs minister said russia may consider a possible prisoner swap a possible prisoner swap for gershkovich after a court orders in his place. the surgeon general about the public health crisis that comes with isolation. you re watching chris jansing reports only on msnbc. s only c i don t live here, so i m taking this
growing migrant crisis in chicago which the city s mayor says has reached a critical tipping point. the chicago mayor is asking greg abbott to stop bussing migrants to her city calling his actions inhumane and dangerous. how is abbott responding? what he s saying is, don t talk to me. talk to president biden who he blames for an untenable situation on the border. again, sending what they re expecting are thousands, perhaps tens of tho a week and he s saying, this is what we need to do in texas to keep the situation under control. and that is to fly or bus migrants from the border to places like chicago. now, chicago is not nearly dealing with the numbers that texas is dealing with. but chicago is overwhelmed. there are migrants right now in
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