and that provides a challenge to keep the entire class engaged. schools came to us with this challenge of how do we find a way to hold students interest in attention to address this. we assembled an experienced team to professionally film video lessons using some of the best cinematic equipment and technology available, acellus breaks the course material into short video lessons that keeps the students attention. students advance through each concept at their own pace and can rewatch videos on demand. acellus gold incorporates 3di, which is a new method of instruction designed specifically for hard to grasp concepts. with 3di, we can take students into the molecular level when needed or slow down mechanical processes, making them much easier to grasp. every student has a natural curiosity and that can spark an excitement for learning. as a teacher, when i see students engaged and excited about learning, it gets me excited as well.
first,. steve: there is the glendale high school drumline live from milwaukee as we kick off the big day debate right here on fox. [drumline] it s like, no matter how hard i tried, math didn t make sense. we see it far too often. students get stuck in a cycle and they can t break out of it. my teacher got me started on acellus gold, and any time i struggled it would tell the teacher and we worked through it together. acellus gold gives educators a way to address learning gaps even from previous levels, so that students can begin to experience success and get back on track. from our perspective, teachers constitute
the bedrock of learning within our schools. our job at a acellus is to empower the teachers so they in turn can reach the students. i had a student who had completely given up on math and he s starting to believe in himself again, and now he s succeeding. i realized that even though i learn differently, i have the power to learn. seeing students regain their self-esteem inspire me as a teacher. it impacts the parents. it s transformed our school. and that s the power of the acellus effect. hit it it takes two to make a thing go right it takes two to make it outta sight one, two, get loose now it takes two to make a. stay two nights and get a $ 50 best western gift card. book now at voltaren. the joy of movement.
how do we find a way to hold students interest in attention to address this. we assembled an experienced team to professionally film video lessons using some of the best cinematic equipment and technology available, acellus breaks the course material into short video lessons that keeps the students attention. students advance through each concept at their own pace and can rewatch videos on demand. acellus gold incorporates 3di, which is a new method of instruction designed specifically for hard to grasp concepts. with 3di, we can take students into the molecular level when needed or slow down mechanical processes, making them much easier to grasp. every student has a natural curiosity and that can spark an excitement for learning. as a teacher, when i see students engaged and excited about learning, it gets me excited as well.
their daily assignments. these activities, such as the write a book feature, are tailored to the student s grade level and offer engaging learning experiences in a less structured environment. i love the way acellus integrated social interaction between students taking the same classes. the system connects students by allowing them to share positive messages about each other s achievements, and it leverages peer encouragement to propel students forward. acellus gold has helped our school create an environment that fosters excitement and enthusiasm for learning.