issued by these two chairmen and will they prosecute people who don t show up or where wh there is evidence of criminal mischief? no, i don t think they will . i think the record is wellgarlan established that merrick garland has been running a protection racket fohur joe ad hunter biden. how else desteo yor yearu explap and a half year investigation that appears to have gone nowhere in terms any charges filed? and as yo foru know, is ame r member of congress, any subpoena issued by the oversight committee or judiciary is a meaninglessea scrap of paper. they cannotningless enforce e themselves. it has to blvese done. i byr department of justice overick gl which merrick garland presidesaa . and so nuto mistake about thismt is the thirty one page interim i report by republicans on the oversight committee. it is chock full of evidence of fraud, bribery, influenceolas peddling, violations of
the process. here no contribw with reactit news contributor leo terrell and trey penny, president of i e nationaltional fal fallen or foundation. trey, i got to tell you, i think the the goal in this in this world should be to put you out of a job so that there are if more fallen officers out there. ee it s yo tu sehie this crimeeo is what comes to mind, what needs to be done. for two consecutive years, c we ve seen a record numberri omi violent crime and attacks on law enforcement across this country. in fact, in fac we saw a 58 percent increase of officers killed by gunfire this year. and look, it breaks my heartt it that we have failed to dove anything about but fortunately, we ve had the american people have spokeno and now republicans have control of the house. and now we have an opportunity to to really get put forwardlice some police policy that put forward something that can really put some things in place to get violent offenders off the streets, as well as being
going back and forth didn t i translate to people blaming their incumbent governor , whethevernor wher would be repur democrat or incumbent the midterms. joe but now when you focuss going tb on twenty twenty four , ste biden is going to be front and center. so those clips that you re showing starting today, those clips that you re showing are going to be the issue forthe the american people before today, before or after the midterm. , an that was okay, we re going the to deal with that in twenty , twenty four . and we re dealin g with theon i midterms. right now, the focus is ons on joe biden and all the things that are going wrong in this. country are going to come to roost. and it s up to the republicab of republican to do a great job ofo focusing, as scott brown said, focusing every day on the issues. because i think the american tal people are ready to talk about real issues and real solutions. and the republicans have an opportunity to lead. now, last word, senator brown, also a