Berlin: Gesucht wegen Kriegsverbrechen – Syrer festgenommen
Bundesanwaltschaft ermittelt Gesucht wegen Kriegsverbrechen – Syrer in Berlin festgenommen 04.08.2021, 09:00 Uhr |
Polizeifahrzeuge im Einsatz: Die Bundesanwaltschaft wirft dem Verdächtigen Kriegsverbrechen, Mord und gefährliche Körperverletzung vor. (Symbolfoto) (Quelle: Sabine Gudat/imago images) Redaktion
In Berlin hat die Bundesanwaltschaft einen Mann aus Syrien festnehmen lassen. Er soll in Damaskus eine Panzergranate in eine Gruppe von Menschen gefeuert haben, die auf Essen warteten.
Wegen Kriegsverbrechen, Mord und Körperverletzung in Syrien hat die Bundesanwaltschaft am Mittwoch einen Mann in Berlin festnehmen lassen. Er soll den Angaben zufolge im März 2014 auf einem Platz in der Hauptstadt Damaskus aus einer Panzerabwehrwaffe eine Granate in eine Menschenmenge abgefeuert haben.
group was set to be a surprise mupg musical guest at the vma s. you might remember colbert had fun with that last night they did take the stage but only to present an award. folks hoping to hear the group s hit song did not get lucky. realty tv star kate gosselin has filed a lawsuit against ex-husband john gosselin accusing him of stealing her computer s hard drive and hacking into her phone to get email to get material i should say for a tell all book. that according to new court documents. the lawsuit accuses jon gosselin of identity theft, wiretapping and invasion of privacy it seeks unspecified damages. of course, the two starred in the tv show jon and kate plus 8 with their twins and sex it sextuplets. no word from john joss gosselin s legal team. updating some of our top stories tonight. secretary of state john kerry today accused syrians president of destroying evidence of a chemical weapons attack. that purportedly killed hundreds of people including hundreds of children.
two theys ago. officials can t say if the syrians deliberated targeted the house where they were kill bud attack came hours after colvin on television accused syrians of attacking nonmilitary targets. john? john: we may never know the real answer to that question. wendell goler at the state department. thank you so much. gasoline shot up nearly 4 cents a gallon overnight. the national average is $3.65. that is the highest ever for this time of year. that is up 12 cents in just the past week. crude oil jumped nearly $2 a barrel. to close at just under $110. president obama and his advisors are keenly aware of the correlation between fuel prices and re-electability. tonight, chief national correspondent jim angle looks at the obama record on oil. the president and the white house haven t been shy about claiming doing everything possible to keep gasoline prices low.