Northside Capital Management, based in Hood River, OR, is ranked No. 80 on the 2023 CNBC Financial Advisor 100 list. The firm most recently appeared on the 2019 FA 100 list.
Wedge Capital Management, based in Charlotte, NC, is ranked No. 52 on the 2023 CNBC Financial Advisor 100 list. This is the firm's first appearance on CNBC's FA 100 list.
Quest Investment Management, based in Lake Oswego, OR, is ranked No. 26 on the 2023 CNBC Financial Advisor 100 list. This is the firm's first appearance on CNBC's FA 100 list.
Southeast Asset Advisors, based in Thomasville, GA, is ranked No. 38 on the 2023 CNBC Financial Advisor 100 list. The firm most recently appeared on the 2021 FA 100 list.
Southern Wealth Management, based in Dallas, TX, is ranked No. 47 on the 2023 CNBC Financial Advisor 100 list. The firm also appeared on last year's FA 100 list.