You got to listen to your heart listen to the beat listen to the rhythm, the rhythm of the street open up your eyes open up your ears get together and make things better by working together its a simple message and it comes from the heart believe in yourself for thats the place to start and i say hey hey what a wonderful kind of day if we could learn to work and play and get along with each other. Hey what a wonderful kind of day hey what a wonderful kind of day. Hey arthur hey, d. W. Hey whoa crash telephone rings elwood city times. Stevens here. What . Ill be right there murphy, grab your camera we just got a hot tip i dont know what happened. One minute she seemed normal. The next, she was a monster. I guess she sort of snapped. blows nose how could she do this to me . sobs after all ive done for her sobs did you get my profile . sobbing feigns sobbing im telling you, its the aliens what else could explain it . Theyre controlling her mind through her tooth fillings great work, boys
Remarks and if there are any questions or comments he will be happy to answer. Any questions or comments . Seeing none, we will open item. , did you want to Say Something . I just wanted to mention one last thing that you should be aware of, this is the tenth audit in a row that we have had a clean audit, especially with what happened last year, i had two, and myself and my staff were two new moms and it is great that we were able to maintain a clean audit and i would like to extend a special thank you to my staff and we band together to share and kept everything clean and especially the knowledge and we and kelley, my account ant and without them, we definitely would not have a clean audit this year, thank you. And congratulations. So, we will now open it up for Public Comment on item four, is there any Public Comment . On item four, come forward. Good morning, commissioners we are fellow commissioners my name is jackie sacks and i have been on the Advisory Committee since 97 as you a
Minutes of the november 19, 2013 meeting, this is an action item. Any changes or comments regarding the minutes . Okay, is there any Public Comment on item two . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Could we have a motion to approve the minutes . Motion. Okay could we take that without objection . That will be the order. Please call item three. Recommend award of construction contract no. 043a6404 to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, golden state bridge, inc. , in an amount not to exceed 49,305,345. 50, authorize the executive director to negotiate contract Payment Terms and nonmaterial contract terms and conditions for the construction contract, authorize the executive director to execute all other supporting agreements, and authorize an additional construction allotment of 14,569,340. 50 for the i80 Yerba Buena Island ramps improvement project. This is an action item. Good morning, commissioners my name is eric and i am with cordoba and i am the ranch project manager an
Construction allotment for any unforeseen, state furnished materials and supplemental work items and any other potential contract change orders for 14,569,340. 50 and also to allow for the authorization of the executive director to negotiate the contract payment and nonmaterial terms and to execute the supporting agreements that are required through construction, for example with chp we need to execute an agreement any time we are out there at night with the Highway Patrol and they have to be out there to make sure that everything is done safely tha. Concludes my presentation i am open to any questions that is helpful. One question about dbs and i know that this is something that we start here in the conversation about in terms of lgbtowned firms, i know that they held a pretty i dont know if it is first of its kind, if not pretty close. Very significant out reach meeting to lgbt, owned firms to encourage them to bit on transbay projects, and so, i am wondering if does the ta do encour
Good morning and welcome to the San Francisco county Transportation Authority, finance committee, im scott weiner the vice chair of the committee and i will be chairing todays meeting to my left is commissioner david chiu and to my right is commissioner mark farrell. Our clerk today is erika cheng and i want to thank sfgtv for broadcasting todays hearing. Are there any announcements . No announcements would you read, or call item two. Item two, approve the minutes of the november 19, 2013 meeting, this is an action item. Any changes or comments regarding the minutes . Okay, is there any Public Comment on item two . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Could we have a motion to approve the minutes . Motion. Okay could we take that without objection . That will be the order. Please call item three. Recommend award of construction contract no. 043a6404 to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, golden state bridge, inc. , in an amount not to exceed 49,305,345. 50, authorize the ex