A B.C. widow who was denied spousal benefits after her husband died in a motorcycle crash has successfully challenged the move and the public insurer has been ordered to pay her more than $400,000.
In Abbas v Esurance Insurance Company of Canada, 2023 ABCA 36 [Abbas], the Alberta Court of Appeal endorsed what it described as draconian consequences for insurance fraud as consistent with the Insurance Act, RSA 2000 c I-3 and necessary to further the underlying purpose of the legislation. Specifically, the Court confirmed the longstanding rule that all claims under a single insurance policy stemming from one incident are void if the insured commits fraud, even if the fraud is material to only a portion of the claim.
In Abbas v Esurance Insurance Company of Canada, 2023 ABCA 36 [Abbas], the Alberta Court of Appeal endorsed what it described as draconian consequences for insurance fraud as consistent.
Borzo Philippines shows they got their riders’ backs in the TropaMustahan Courier Forum Borzo Philippines, formerly Mr. Speedy organized the TropaMustahan Courier Forum where they met with Borzo riders from across the country to discuss their concerns and profound solutions for it. The forum was
2022 MAR 24 By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Insurance Daily News Researchers detail new data in Bayesian Analysis. Financial supporters for this research include Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Society of Actuaries James C. Hickman Scholar program, Canada Research Chairs, James McGill Research Chairs program, NSERC’ s.