our society that when women aree healthy, we have access tos affordable health care. i agree. to car insurance and life insurance, too? the men t we don t agree on any of that. this is one of the most well-supported parts of the affordable care act. that s because people who don t understand insurance are supporting it. when the titanic went down, there was a moment where they said, women and children first. is that sexist? yes.hi children there is sexism way throughout our society. i m also from texas and i will sit here and admit i like a doot to be opened for me. and i hope that s okay. thank you, jehmu. thankan you, heather. keep this conversation going ont facebook, use that #waronwomen. let people know what you think. coming up,e the differenceg between the sexes. what exactly are the differences? how real are they? but next, the pay gap. women earn 77 cents for every