Welcome to a Special Edition of jesse waters, pete oe primetime, 2 08 p. M. D on the east coast and 7 p. M. In gods countryd gods. Im ho on pete hegseth Holding Down The Fort on a friday nightld f. Anarchy rippling through america, seemingly from coastcot to coast. The core tenets of our republic are the targetenc of an antiamerican, pro terror. Thatsn, pro t what they call i. Thats what intifada is. The kind of image images you thought were reserved for the War On Terror that we saw overseas have come home. Statues of George Washington Defiled With Islamist Scarves Coverings of g his face and thes Genocidal Warmonger Spray painted on them at George Washington university. Washin and radicals sporting Hamas Headbands trying to turngt our College Campuses into the third world. But just like in the aforementioned War On Terror, the battlee but je may have bet messy, but The Good Guys never waveres d while they screamed intifada and burn it all down. The brave men an alld womennt in unifor
hunter biden would dial in his father. then vic hunte president joe biden on speakerphone into meetings with overseas business partners. archer allegedly par witnessed s more than two dozen of these conversations, including calls with top burisma executives. remember, a credible fbi source last week in that, you know, 1023 document accused paul, joe and hunter biden of acceptin g $5 million bribes from burisma. you know, technicallf acy, he sd 5 million for each biden that burisma exact did not want to pay. they thought hunter was stupid. they thoughtt to dog was smarte. but they also had to do so. wop they felt because hunter, quote, would protect us. so his dad from all kinds of problems. and one of those problems was a ukrainian prosecutor. his name was viktor shokin, investigating burisma and hunter for corruption. and what do you know? what is vice president biden leverage 1 billion of your taxe dollars to getleve the prosecutr fired in 6 hours.