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How Whangarei District Council escaped the Accellion FTA hacks
Council s Accellion FTA software was hosted in the cloud and not subject to the first of two breaches.
Whangarei, Northland Credit: Rob O Neill
Whangarei District Council has emerged as another local user of the file sharing software at the centre of the hack of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ). There have been some well-publicised issues with one of our vendors (Accellion), where their file sharing software was compromised, a February report on ICT operations to council said.
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GCSB posts advice on ICT supply chain risks
Advice comes in wake of high profile attacks on the Reserve Bank of NZ and the New Zealand Stock Exchange
Lisa Fong (National Cyber Security Centre) Credit: Supplied
The Government Communications Security Bureau’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has released guidance to help executives and cyber security professionals manage ICT supply chain security risks.
NCSC director Lisa Fong said a recent spate of high-profile cyber security incidents reinforced the importance of managing cyber security across the supply chain.
State of the Marketplace: A Conversation With Dave DeWalt
SecurityEditor) • April 14, 2021 24 Minutes Twitter
Dave DeWalt, founder, NightDragon Security
Dave DeWalt, former CEO of FireEye and McAfee, has been appointed vice chair of the board of LogDNA, a log management company, and he’s committed to the popular “shift left” movement. But he’s also got a keen eye on the broader cybersecurity marketplace and shares insights on its seismic changes.
The founder and managing director of NightDragon Security, an investment and advisory firm, DeWalt has been a leader in this sector for 20 years. But he acknowledges that he’s not seen times quite like these.
Mr. Vaze was arrested on March 13 by the central agency that was charged with sections of Unlawful Activities Prevention Act. After arresting him at 11.50 p.m., the NIA’s spokesperson had said he was arrested for his “role and involvement in placing explosives laden vehicle near Carmichael Road.”