Would-be Canberra car salesman wins $46k after tribunal finds he was discriminated against over road rage offences
WedWednesday 20
WedWednesday 20
JanJanuary 2021 at 6:16am
The man was previously convicted of causing property damage for throwing a hammer through the windshield of another car.
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A Canberra man has successfully sued the ACT Government for more than $46,000 after he was refused a car sales licence because of two prior road rage convictions.
Key points:
A disputes tribunal found the ACT Government had discriminated against the man
The man successfully argued his two criminal convictions were irrelevant in his application to sell cars
tv show without a main character. acat require s without presidet trump. they will talk about him. but at least when you had some character. but i do wonder if there will and little bit of sharper elbows because now the rubber will hit the road. they have 20 weeks until the first vote.it and now they will all be on stage. but they can t hide behind the others. i think it will be interesting. she has long arms. kat: i have very long arms. tyrus: you are creating a very interesting concept. watching these debates is liking watching security cameras at the mall. i m anxious to see one of those. it s not funny to me anymore.
it shows that cooler heads prevailed and the chain of command said wait a minute, we need something else that we re going to do here and someone stood up and said it s improper to do this and not something that we ll do, and in this case it s a good thing that s stepped in and understood the political ramifications of doing so and that s what they did that. this request or intended acat the root of it was really about protecting the president s feelings. it the didn t have to do, at least it s being expressed with nothing else, but talk to me about the importance or the concern about how any assets of the military are used to pacify or please the president s feelings or, you know, his
greg: it s time for. animals are great animals are great animals are great. no matter how you slice them, animals are great. you heard about the food pyramid, the circle of life? this is the pyramid of death. check this out. here, you ve got a cat. you ve got a cat eating a fish with a dog trying to get us a cat. i watch this video on loop for almost six days. sometimes i weep quietly to myself look at that cat! going at the fish. the dog is going down my pulling at the cat s tail. this is why. animals are great animals are great animals are great the producers told me that was too long.