Recently, the billionaire owner of Twitter and Tesla, Elon Musk, tweeted out an attack on fellow billionaire George Soros, comparing him to the fictional Holocaust survivor and Marvel Comics super-villain Magneto.
Some experts have said that instead of being afraid of AI, sometimes condemned as a perfect tool for plagiarism, artists should learn and grasp the technology.
A new chapter in the modern history of the Middle East is beginning, and what’s most significant about it is the dwindling influence of the United States.
In April 1945, the Soviet Army invaded Berlin, the then-capital of Nazi Germany. After weeks of battle, the German government surrendered, and Germany was divided into four occupation zones, (American, British, French, and Soviet).
Jan. 27th marks the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Paris Peace Accords, the agreement which ended the American War in Vietnam, or as it is known in the United States, the Vietnam War.