In the midst of the chaos that defined 2020 the early stages of the pandemic and widespread BLM riots students at Stanford were at home for a quarter of remote learning. To accommodate for the newly adopted remote environment, Stanford made all courses pass-fail. Some unsatisfied students, however, decided to
Briar Cliff University’s Accessibility Services collaborates with students with disabilities in identifying and implementing reasonable accommodations and auxiliary aids and services.
Welcome to NSO’s Spartan Orientation Station! On today’s episode, we are discussing the Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities, also known as the RCPD. They provide resources and accommodations for students here at MSU. Their mission is to maximize the ability and opportunity for full participation by persons with disabilities. Please welcome Hannah Huey-Jones from.
Welcome to NSO’s Spartan Orientation Station! On today’s episode, we are discussing the Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities, also known as the RCPD. They provide resources and accommodations for students here at MSU. Their mission is to maximize the ability and opportunity for full participation by persons with disabilities. Please welcome Hannah Huey-Jones from.