is already a big problem. newhy not have this this meetin, on zuma for instance?ut you know, and so i askdo questions about covid. youhow do you explain that?o go one million people, if we have to go by the official figures, one million americans were killed by covid and we don t know where covid. you lied to us. us the covid came from bad to human. and then now you understand that he probably came fromnsequa the lab and does the most consequential question and she won t even allow dna from, youat know, daily caller to ask that question. and wheo n intervene and say that, no, you need to allow herh to ask the question. you know, i m being like this. that is unfortunate.ef it s disgraceful. weul.ucker: y are always welcom show and i suspect we will see you again someday. we ru so much. we re on your side. with a c waitinhrg some more times?