world. and welcome to hannity and happy new year and happypy election year 2024. now, the exodus ou t of big states like new jersey, california, illinois and new york, itew jerse c continues. in fact, tonight, we are now broadcasting from my new hom ar the great free state of florida. like so manyflor americans, i li new york for good. and now in the state with, let s see, warmen r law and order, better education, more freedomr , better quality of life. and guess what? no state income tax. noe inco tw, here is my predict. this mass migration out of dee e blue statep,s like the ones i just mentioned, that will continue unless untilless a the change they change their governing philosophiesnd, that are overtaxing people, overregulating people. they re under-performing in schools and safety and issues of public importance . and that s why it s happening. but no matter what state you call home, i will say this 2024 is going to be a critical year not only for our country, but for t
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