bit. of course, newt gingrich at the presidential debates and the rivals, they exchanged jabs, engineer jeers and some jokes last night. even though there had been 723 presidential debates you always get something out of these things. maybe the line of the night. listen to who rick perry decided to compare himself to. there are a lot of people out there, i understand it. a lot of folks who said tim tebow wasn t going to be a very good nfl quarterback and people stood up and said, well, he doesn t have the right throwing mechanisms or he s not playing the game right. and, you know, he won two national championships and that looked pretty good. we re the national champions in job creation back in texas. but i m all ready for the next level. let me tell you, i hope i am the tim tebow of the iowa caucuses. all right, i m going to try to get jim acosta to be honest with me. he s in sioux city, iowa. tell me the truth, jim. when you heard that, what was your reaction when you h
our country is doing very poorly. it is young spontaneous, it s focused and it s going to be effective. wall street banks got billion dollar bail ju bailouts. it expresses the way american people really feel. you are seeing some of the same folks who added irresponsible trying to fieft forts to crank down on abusive practices we got into in the first place. you will see more protests it s a tribute to the absolute failure of obama s policy. somebody elected by the left has them demonstrating arguing against his policy. small and local has been beefed up by unions by celebrities and comedians. the wall street movement has been a four-week downtown
indicators, monitor them. there s an overwhelming message when we look at those indicators that is consistent only with the new recession starting here. if you think back to 2008, when we made that call, then it was prior to the lehman crisis economists were looking backwards at gdp. and all they saw was positive gdp. once we saw the lehman crisis everybody was on board with the fact there was a recession. before that there was a question. correct. when you see gdp positive or jobs numbers positive, you say there isn t a recession and you get pushback. time will tell. harvard professor ken rogooff is chief economist for international monetary fund. you ve been on the show before. your point of disagreement, you say a lot of people feel the recession never ended. now, we are four years away from the official start of this recession. it started in december of 2007. we re certainly three years into the worst of it. where do you think this ends? well, i think we may be go
mayor bloomburg is accusing the crowds of trying to cripple the city s economy. in the harshest critanism yet. he accused them trying to take jobs away from people working in the city. we have the biggest financial crisis since the great depression. huge collateral damage in the country and all over main street . yet, you re still seeing the same folks who acted irresponsibly trying to fight efforts to crack down on abusive practices that got us in the problem in the first place. that is from president obama who sympathizes with the frustration of the occupied wall street protestors. and the movement atrack thed the detractors it has the defenders, new york congressman charlie rangel is lending his support. thank you congressman for being
objecti occupy wall street. the president was asked and we have his response right here. i think it expresses the frustratifro frustrations that the american people feel. that we had the biggest financial crisis since the great depression, huge collateral damage all throughout the country, all across main street. and yet you are still seeing some of the same folks who acted irresponsibly trying to fight efforts to crack down on abusive practices that got us into this problem in the first place. i think people are frustrated and the protesters are giving voice to a more broad-based frustration. i think the president still