OMEGA X has released a new statement through their latest Instagram account following the resignation of Spire Entertainment's CEO.
#OMEGAX #SpireEntertainment #OMEGA X #오메가엑스 #SpireEntertainmentCEO
The CEO of OMEGA X's agency, Spire Entertainment, already resigned after the abuse allegations surfaced. However, there are still fears surrounding the members' well-being.
#OMEGAX #SpireEntertainment
himself with and who he likes. the sad reality is that domestic violence is not partisan, nongender. this is a true problem. and we need to look at it that way. and i think we need to listen more to the people who are victims of domestic violence than those who are accused of it and not just by one ex-wife but by two and someone else. i think we need to take a step back and give these women a voice. let them not be afraid to come out and speak and let them know that we are really taking a serious look at this. i m encouraged by vice president pence, who has said when he was over at the olympics that there is no place for domestic violence and he is committed to taking a closer look at this when he comes back. i hope this is a time that we make some changes with regard to this. republican congressman charlie dent is one of the few republicans. you mentioned mike pence as well, who is speaking out about the porter abuse controversy.