veterans died while administration cooked the books. 3.3 million comes on top of the 7 other congressional investigations that have already looked into the benghazi attacks, investigations with cost the pentagon estimates to run into the millions of dollars. meanwhile, there is an actual legal proceeding taking place, one featuring the suspected ring leader of the benghazi attacks on that abu khattala in federal court today. how do republicans railing about slashing government spending rationalize this flagrant waste of taxpayer dollars? allow the good men and women at fox news to explain. this administration forces us to spend hard working dollars from american taxpayers. if this cost $33 million, we have to go forward because if we have a liar as president of the united states, or as secretary of state at that time, it s worth 33 million to ferret out
2016. first get to 2014 then we ll see where we are, whether we need to keep doing these crazy investigations or whether we need to start dribbling out an agenda at this point. if they retake the senate, it kind of it can kind of pull both ways because they can either take that as a mandate to push conservative policies or fire up the base, which will want to keep attacking obamacare can they do that if they take the senate? can they keep on investigating? if khattala is convicted in federal court, can they still work benghazi and irs and can they still work all of these things if they control both the upper and lower chamber? what they are going to want to do is turn benghazi into a question whether hillary clinton was responsible for what happened that night, not on how well the investigation in finding culprits is going. separately, there will be a debt limit after 2014 and need to fund the government and leverage