While Ramadhan binds Muslims all over the world with an intangible chord of love and care, each country has its own rituals, etiquettes and styles of doing the rituals making it.
Regular issue of quarterly scientific and popular magazine Miras, which is published by Magtumguly Institute of Language, Literature and National Manuscripts of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, has been released.
Daily Times
April 24, 2021
Occasionalism deals with the concept of causation. Simply put, the relationship between a cause and its effect. It determines the dependency of cause and effect on each other. If my hand moves a chair, is it the strength of my hand causing the movement? Is the firing of the neurons stimulating the muscle activity or is the thought process behind it? Or is it the molecules and atoms rearranging themselves to make this possible?
Occasionalism has far reaching implications in the philosophical and theological world. From Aristotle to Imam Ghazali, Gottfried Leibniz and Rene Descartes – this topic has perplexed the greatest minds. Although they are not subjects of this article- free will, determinism and morality are interconnected with occasionalism. This has been discussed in our article (https://dailytimes.com.pk/613922/free-will-and-determinism-a-philosophical-and-religious-perspective/).