from the fissures. what happened? arnnderson, we re talking abt a fissure that was violently exploding every one or two minutes, sending hot, molten lava in every direction. darryl clinton, he is 57 years old, he was there to protect two of his friends homes. we were there to interview him. this was not a fun place to be. even walking up to the house was a life and death game of frogger. and clinton was staying there virtually around the clock for almost a week. he was armed with a fire extinguisher, a garden hose and some strategically placed buckets to put out fires if lava hit the house. lava bombs came through the court of appealing in two different places. they broke a window. they took out the septic tank, but none of this seemed to faze darryl clinton. this lava bomb came and hit right here, we put that fire out. the first day? very first day. yeah this one here. did that not make you think, hey i shouldn t be here?