what more have we learned from the autopsy documents? i think you know compared to last night, we re getting more information about just how significant these injuries were. i mean, this was not sort of a simple bump on the head. there was this sort of concern lars night that maybe he hit his head sort of on the headboard of the bed or something like that, didn t recognize the severity of it, went to sleep and had this bleeding on his brain. that sequence of events still seems to be plausible, but just the extent of injuries, don, i think is far more than certainly was originally conveyed. let me show you here. we put this together, don, to give you an idea of just how many fractures we re talking about here. as you point out, there was an abrasion on the back of his head and also a fracture on the back of his head. in the yellow, that fracture sort of extended to the right side of his head, but then he also had fractures on the front just above his eyes as well. the orbital rims, as
she was a very young 38 year old. she seemed healthy, from what everybody understood. so, it was a huge shock. must be sad that your professors wife had died. you did know her. i didn t know her. i also didn t know him at that time. soon, everyone in town was wondering what caused cory s death. the pathologist who performed the autopsy a day later, noted some trauma. small abrasion on corey s upper lip, and another mark inside, that appear to be a cut. curtis mentioned that cory had fallen, in the days before her death. those false as they described, could ve kept that injury, presumably? i wish i knew. but, yes. a fall could ve found for an injury. the pathologist also noted that was called a fatty liver often caused by heavy drinking. still, the doctor labeled the cause of death, undetermined. she didn t know what killed
went to sleep, and had this bleeding on his brain. that that sequence of events still seems to be plausible. but just the extent of injuries, don, i think is far more than certainly was was originally conveyed. let me show you here. we put this together, don, to give you an idea of just how many fractures we are talking about here. as you point out, there was an abrasion on the back of his head and also a fracture on the back of his head. in the yellow, that fracture sort of extended along the right side of his head. but then, he also had fractures on the front just above his eyes, as well. the orbital rims as they are called. let me show you on this, don, if you can see this this skull. so, you imagine this. somebody falls, they hit here. abrasion over here. significant blow, though. like, falls down, significant blow, fracture extends into the right side of the head over here. that s all possible from one mechanism. but then, also, fractures in the front over here just above th
it was the back over here, this the the fracture. and then, it sort of extended into the right side, over here. there was an abrasion on the back of the head. so, that kind of fits with that. but as randi pointed out, there was also skull fractures over here, as well, in the front of the forehead. but there weren t abrasions here. there were some bruising over here. i talked to a lot of colleagues today and i have been doing trauma and neurosurgery for a long time. if i knew nothing about the story, i would say is this someone unrestrained in a car accident or fell down a flight of stairs because it does appear that there are several different sort of blows to the head. whatever it was, if it was a significant blow i think there was a lot of discussion yesterday, you know, how common is this? someone hits their head developing this sort of bleeding. this was not, again, a a small blow to the head. it it was significant to cause that degree, not only of fractures in these di
her hands had been resting, on why wasn t it there anymore? turner noted the abrasion on corey s, face and the cut insider upper lip. to her, that suggested something had been pressed against the woman s mouth. then, seeing the marks around the mouth, and inside the mouth, all suggests that suffocation occurred. suffocation. an abrasion, and none except a time of the no longer. fifth turner was convinced that cory had not died of natural causes. she concluded, someone who s an object, likely a pillow, to suffocate the woman. left it under her arms, and removed it many hours later. the manner of death would be homicide. for the detective, corey lovelace s death came down to two competing from two compelling women. when will add on science to explain the murder, the other relied on memory, to describe an ailing mother, just before she passed. in the end, the detective