There are so many great places to live in North Texas that it helps to have an expert on your side. The Neighborhood Guide presented by Briggs Freeman Sotheb
Most of Vickery Meadow's residents hail from countries around the globe, many having fled civil war, famine or economic hardships. They live in one of the dozens of apartment complexes, some of which have fallen into disrepair, but many residents are reluctant to complain, fearing they’ll be kicked out of their apartment or suffer another kind of retaliation.
This is the second story in a four-part series. Read the first, third and fourth stories. Step inside Today’s Discount Food Mart near the corner of Park Lane and Fair Oaks Avenue and you’ll likely be greeted with música norteña, a type of regional Mexican music. The store is stocked with a rainbow of helados (popsicles), tortillas and an array of Mexican spices.