Emeritus at Mississippi State university where he taught courses on the civil war, jacksonian america and race relations. He earned his ph. D at notre dame and earned his faculty in Mississippi State in 1973 and during his time at Mississippi State, he also served the director and mentor of distinguished scholars and as the executive director and managing editor of the ulysses s. Grant association and the papers of ulysses s. Grant project, with grants papers being housed at Mississippi State university. Hes the author and editor of more than a dozen books and 250 articles that is impressive. Including his important work sherman. A soldiers passion for order, a finalist for the lincoln prize. Dr. Marslech received the Richard Wright literary award for Lifetime Achievement by a mississippi author and the Mississippi Historical society presented him its highest award the blc wales award for National Distinction in history. Hes currently at work on a book on the development of the mytholo
[inaudible] he served as president of the National Underground railroad National Underground Railroad Freedom center for six years and worked at the National Museum of American History for 20. His most important exhibition was the groundbreaking field to factory. It generated a National Discussion on migration, race. He also cocurated the american presidency, a glorious burden. The National Underground Railroad Freedom center has attracted worldwide attention because of the quality of its presentation and focus on race, interracial cooperation, and issues of contemporary slavery. He has published extensively in the areas of public history. He is the past chair of the National Council for history education. He has been selected to the organization of american historians distinguished lecture symposium. He graduated from Brown University and holds a masters degree in a doctorate degree from rutgers university. [applause] he holds the chair of Civil War History at Dickinson College and se
Rights exhibit which you would have passed on your way in tonight, marks an episode when president Abraham Lincoln directly independent interseeded for american jews. The document is general grants to ber 1862 general order expel jews from the department of tennessee. Grant blamed jews for smuggling and demanded their immediate removal. Jewish citizens of paducah, kentucky, appealed to lincoln, expressing their outrage and lincoln counter manneded grants order. History cannot be written without the primary sources that tell us august. Incident rik lir auth incidentically what authentically what happened at a particular time. Grants order to expel jews and lincolns later order testify to a moment in history that many in the wider public are not aware of, yet it cannot be forgotten, because the records exist to tell us so. By brathing together and publishing the documents in his volume, dr. Zola has given access to a large number of primary source documents that present and future schola
University for four years. Author or editor of 11 books, several of which nominated for National Book awards, his recent work lincoln and the immigrant is a volume in the series con size Lincoln Library series published by Southern Illinois University Press and was released in september. Of the 16,500 and counting volumes published on Abraham Lincoln, this is the first full length study of its kind. Dr. Silverman received his undergraduate degree at the university of virginia and his graduate degrees at Colorado State and the university of kentucky. He has received many distinguished teaching awards. Is currently working on a companion volume detailing president lincolns reputation in 19th century europe. He also served two elected terms on his local school board. So lets welcome professor jason silverman. [ applause ] thank you so much. That last part about the eight years on the Rockhill School board, forget about all my education. Thats when i learned the real meaning of civil war.
Supervision of democracy because majority rule is the essence of the american project. There are, however, two things wrong with this formulation. First, it is utterly unrealistic and simple minded to think that there is a majority support for or majority interest in or even majority awareness of even a tiny fraction of what modern governments do in dishing out advantages to economic factions. Does anyone really think that when the nashville City Government dispenses favors for the taxi and limo cartels, it is acting on a will of the majority of the citys residents . Can anyone actually believe that a majority of louisianans give a tinkers dam about who sells caskets or arranges flowers . We know because he said so clearly and often that lincoln took his political bearings from the declaration of independence. Which brings me back again to 1854 to the kansas nebraska act and to lincolns noble recoil from the idea of popular sovereignty in the territories regarding slavery. That recoil