In the wake of the democratic revolution, Islamist groups that were once considered enemies of the state are now openly pursuing their political ambitions.
peace treaty with israel that won him the nobel peace prize. the idea was just changed to provide an alternative leader that could save egypt from the political dead end we were living n. reporter: aboud el zomor is one of the men convicted of plotting ate sass nation. this former egyptian intelligence officer says he wanted to start an islamic revolution. in his first sit down interview with a western tv news crew, zomor reluctantly described his role in the assassination. our role was a facilitator, not a decisionmaker. all we did was provide the ammunition. reporter: egyptian authorities released zomor last month after he spent nearly 30 years in prison. a crowd of supporters gave him a hero s welcome. think he is here. here for what? for kill sad dat? this is not heal. not heal.