[dramatic music] [clock ticking] - today, i m going to talk about the path these leaders have chosen under this bill and the dark place that the bill will take us. - this bill was a four-pronged anti-abortion access bill. it bans abortion after 20 weeks, it restricts the prescription of medication abortions, it requires abortion providers to have hospital admitting privileges at local hospitals, and it requires that abortion facilities meet the standards of ambulatory surgical centers. it s a really intense set of regulations.
- do you not see that this bill will provide the safest care for a woman who decides to have an abortion? - though it was being argued that this bill would make women safer. in fact, it was designed specifically to remove a woman s access to her constitutionally protected right to abortion services. every member on this floor knows that the provisions of the ambulatory surgical center standards will immediately place 37 of the 42 abortion clinics in texas out of compliance. - the law requires that abortion facilities operate as ambulatory surgical centers, which means, you know, your typical abortion provider looks like your doctor s office. it s a clinic, it s small, there are little exam rooms. an ambulatory surgical center, however, feels like a hospital, right?
it s a really intense set of regulations. - do you not see that this bill will provide the safest care for a woman who decides to have an abortion? - though it was being argued that this bill would make women safer. in fact, it was designed specifically to remove a woman s access to her constitutionally protected right to abortion services. every member on this floor knows that the provisions of the ambulatory surgical center standards will immediately place 37 of the 42 abortion clinics in texas out of compliance. - the law requires that abortion facilities operate as ambulatory surgical centers, which means, you know, your typical abortion provider looks like your doctor s office.
pay as little as zero dollars [dramatic music] [clock ticking] - today, i m going to talk about the path these leaders have chosen under this bill and the dark place that the bill will take us. - this bill was a four-pronged anti-abortion access bill. it bans abortion after 20 weeks, it restricts the prescription of medication abortions, it requires abortion providers to have hospital admitting privileges at local hospitals, and it requires that abortion facilities meet the standards of ambulatory surgical centers.
out, it s very rarely used in the criminal context. it s being used here. you look at paul manafort, who was the campaign manager for donald trump. it s brought out against paul manafort, despite there being rampant by elation 62% used against michael flynn. this is a 1799 statue that is never in history of this country been used to successfully prosecute anyone. but it s used as a pretext to go in and look at michael flynn. why are never before used statutes, or rarely used statutes being used in this manner? it raises questions as the fbi doesn t go out after larry nassar the way they should ve initially. especially as one-third of portland writer cases are dropped. you know especially when you look at the abortion facilities that you seem like you to drink the doj to look into some of these inquiries. why weren t there raids in these