stay tuned to find out. we a off in a 4th of july edition of supermarket showdown. we re also going to answer your fan mail questions. and we have a brand new segment for you. we rionse looking back at our 4h of july. favorite memories. fourth oebut first is the five n fun extravaganza. g into we re diving into some summer topics to celebrate. some su4th of july. first up, butter up your popcorn hollywood summer blockbuster season is in full swing. hey, barbie, can i cometonigh to your house tonight? sure. ure.i don t have anything big planned. just a giant blowout party with all the barbies and plat n and a bespoke song, you should stop by. so cool. foould wy we go to the middle of nowhere. for who knows how longr who kn? why? why? mporta how about? because this is the most important thing that ever happened in the histornt y, the world. and those are just a couple of the big flicks hitting theaters. soe bi our all time favoriteall- blockbuster. i guess we have some t
four for four. you could get three or four and take this. whicd h would be an embarrassment to the network. by the way, we need a four for four out of somebody. ne get this right.a: i all right. i m holding mine. i spent most of my summers there. okayter get i spent most of oww is good. washington jefferson,coln, ro lincoln, roosevelt. the correct answer. washington. jeffersot. whon in lincoln. je roosevelt. i did it. anybody elsenybody e put teddy roosevelt? no. no, you didn t put that either. no, you just with teddy. i ll put fdr in the other roosevelt. i put them both down. okay, so roosevelt, that s fdr and lincoln. i think being the most. the most correct? yeah. listen, seeing as i have a child named lincoln, i should get a bonus point. i get the correct answer. i doet abonus po is dana. she had all the votes for four for teddy jefferson, although. no, you did all right. the booth has that. i m sorry. the booth looks like a question mark after one. i was. one mo
process, but overall, the money to the consultants, was a huge proportion of money that didn t do wa what was needed to be done to get the money no the classroom where the children in newark are living in extreme poverty, and witness violence on regular basis, and live in dysfunction, and so many more resources that were required at the classroom level, and that is not the focus of it. and i think that mark zuckerburg, really wanted to give a bonus po the great teachers, and that is his idea, but that is not how it played out. what happened there? no, he really didn t, and he and sheryl sandberg who vetted the agreement for him didn t understand how hard it is is to change the way that teachers are paid and rewarded. unions. and the seniority system. he wanted to get rid of the seniority protections to help the most senior teachers in place in the layoffs and the