paperwork. when he got out after ten years in the navy got a dui, some many of my colleagues in congress have. because of that dui, they deported him despite his ten years of service for the country. so we met with people like that to try to understand this problem. and i think that s the kind of attitude, the can do get on the ground, get into the weeds and understand the issues attitude you ll see from the new generation of leaders that i and others in congress have been supporting. someone else that thinks she s part of a new generation of leaders, congressional alevel andrea oo kas yoe cortez says her platform, which includforgi of student loan debt and abolishing i. contribution e. recommendation the future of the party. do you agree? well, i think she has an important voice in the democratic party but the reality is if we re going to be a majority party and going to win in november, we ve got to have a diversity of views and that s