Mike Norris
Big Green Lake – Big Green is transitioning from soft water to ice right now with skim ice forming across a great deal of the lake. Having said that it looks like lake trout and cisco fishing will continue remain on hold until safer ice forms. This week’s forecast calls for nighttime temps to drop into the single digits by mid-week. But daytime temps will climb back above the freeze mark this weekend and into next week.
Fox Lake – There are plenty of anglers venturing out into Fox Lake now with reports of seven inches of ice across most of the lake. The exception is the two open cracks running from Maple Point to the tip of Keno Trail. The Wisconsin Elite Series Ice Fishing Team Tournament held a one-day event on Fox Lake last Saturday. Under the Elite Series format, Teams can weigh in their single best caught gamefish and best two panfish. These three fish are then measured and the team with the longest combined number of inches wins the tournament. Tyle
Ice fishing leads this sprawling raw-file Midwest Fishing Report, but the storm may impact that; otherwise, it is perch and burbot on the lakefront.
Bob France messaged the photo above and this on Sunday:
We ventured out on four inches of ice on a neighborhood pond in Roselle!
The center of the action remains the Calumet system and the South Side slips. Security varies in its dealings with fishing on the private property areas around the South Side slips. The small piece of Steelworkers Park at the eastern end of 87th is public land.
Arden Katz said perch are still in at the South Side slips, key for his success is using a pencil weight with two Mini-Miters tied a foot apart a foot above, then snap retrieving.
Provided by Justin Lederer
[Slight update in the LAKEFRONT report.]
Two threads the real start for ice fishing around Chicago is near and lakefront perch continues on lead this sprawling raw-fie Midwest Fishing Report.
While giving his lakefront perch report,
Arden Katz said about inland fishing, “By the end of the week, I will be ice fishing.”
He spoke the thoughts of many.
Justin Lederer emailed the photo at the top as part of his report from Mille Lacs on Monday from McQuoids Inn in Isle, Minn.:
Jon Melone from Cary Illinois with a nice 31 1/2” northern pike also caught last week
Lakefront perch and fishable ice moving closer to the Chicago area lead this sprawling raw-file Midwest Fishing Report.
Mike Norris sent the photo at the top from fishing the Green Lake area in Wisconsin last week. He texted:
They bite best on the heavy overcast days.
Perch still good for boat fisherman fishing 105st area and farther xl fatheads best
As Sleziak noted, the center of the action remains the Calumet system and the South Side slips. Security varies in its dealings with shore anglers on the private property areas around the South Side slips, but in general be prepared to not be allowed to fish the private property areas. The small piece of Steelworkers Park at the eastern end of 87th is public land.
Dale Bowman
Just in case some places have fishable ice soon, here is the posting of the updated ice-fishing regulations for area public sites.
There are relatively few tweaks this season, mostly at Lake County Forest Preserves and Mazonia State Fishing and Wildlife Area.
As always, if you have adds or tweaks to suggest, contact me by email at BowmanOutside@gmail.com or contact me on Facebook (Dale Bowman), Twitter (@BowmanOutside) or Instagram (@BowmanOutside).
Here goes:
Ice fish at your own risk. Hours are generally sunrise to sunset, unless noted otherwise. Ice fishing is not permitted at the Chicago lagoons, FPD of Kendall County, FPD of Will County and Kankakee River Valley FPD.