eleliquis can n cause seririod in rarare cases fafatal bleed. don n t take e eliquis if you h have an artrtificil heart vavalve or abnormalal bleeding.g. if you hadad a spinal l injecn whwhile on eliliquis calll your d doctor righght away ifif you have e tingling,, numbmbness, or m muscle weaka. while takiking eliquisis, you u may bruisese more easisi. and it m may take lolonger tn usuaual for bleeeeding to st. seseek immediaiate medicalale for sudddden signs o of bleed, like ununusual bruisising. eliquis s may increaease yoyour bleedining risk ifif you take e certain memedi. tell y your doctoror about all plananned medicacal oror dental prprocedures.. what s around t the cornerr could d be worth w waiting f. ask yourur doctor ababout eliq. o donnell: we have a follow- up to our reporting on families of active-duty military personnel going hungry during the pandemic. your response was beyond generous.