Women who had abnormal cells on their cervix monitored rather than removed were four times more likely to develop cervical cancer, a study has suggested.
Mom has history of cervical cancer, endometriosis, miscarriage. She asked for a hysterectomy but her doctor said no. She is sharing her story to help others.
Programmed cell death such as apoptosis is a common stage of cellular life. Nanoclustering/Science Photo Library via Getty ImagesLiving cells work better than dying cells, right? However, this is not always the case: your cells often sacrifice themselves to keep you healthy. The unsung hero of life is death. While death may seem passive, an unfortunate ending that just “happens,” the death of your cells is often extremely purposeful and strategic. The intricate details of how and why cells die c
Clinical trials may provide new alternatives for brain tumour patients. Here are the causes, treatment, prognosis and 8 new alternatives for patients | Health