Gunmen have reportedly killed one person and abducted seven other travellers along the Sagamu-Ijebu-Ode expressway. According to a viral audio from one of the victims, the armed gunmen numbering up to seven waylaid and attacked the travellers in between the Ilisan, Ceplast industry and Iperu junction axis of the expressway on Friday. One of the victims of the tragic incident, who was apparently a driver heading to Lagos, told PUNCH that the gunmen stopped their vehicles with sporadic shooting and later marched them into the bush.
PUNCH Online reported earlier that one Toheeb Eniasa was reportedly shot at a petrol station belonging to the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited in the Ikoyi area of Lagos State.
In what appears to be a retaliatory cult clash, one Azeez Olaitan was reportedly killed by suspected members of the Aiye Confraternity in the Alogi area of Odeda Local Government Area of Ogun State on Sunday.
The first victim, a suspected member of the Eiye cult, was shot and killed near the Alogi crossroads in the Obantoko neighborhood of Abeokuta. The second victim, Timo Olukayode, a member of the Aye fraternity, was shot and had his head crushed by a stone at Bode-Olude.