Abhishek Bachchan, whose film Dasvi released today, said the Hindi adaptation “SSS7” is a passion project and he is thrilled about it. It is a very challenging film to do, it is a solo actor film, I am the only actor, there are various characters but they are not seen. It is a huge challenge.
Well, in a recent interview, Abhishek Bachchan spoke at length about his wife Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and how she has been a constant support in his life and helped him tackle negativity.
Abhishek Bachchan, Yami Gautam and Nimrat Kaur shot inside Agra Central Jail for Dasvi. In an exclusive conversation with IndiaToday.in, Abhishek shared that film industry has painted a dingy picture of Indian prisons, contrary to what it is.