people most deadliest shooting at a house of worship. steve: one of the victims was anna bell pomeroy. the church s pastor frank pomeroy was out of town that day. now he is running as a republican for a texas state senate seat. and, the new candidate, pastor frank pomeroy joins us right now from austin, texas. pastor, good morning to you. good morning, guys. thanks for having me. steve: pastor, why do you want to run for senate in texas? you know, there is many reasons why i would run. i think the catalyst that really put me into the race. after our el paso shooting and the dayton shooting, the humanity access of that situation was lost, i think. when i was watching what was transpiring. rather than those who had a voice to be able to go in and set a foundation of healing, such as we did in sutherland springs for those victims and the families of
least. here again randi kaye reports on the victims in texas whose identities have been confirmed. in an instant about 4% of the residents of sutherland springs, texas were taken. the youngest victim about a year and a half old. the oldest killed, 77. among the dead, an abell pomeroy, the 14-year-old was the daughter of the church s pastor, who on which spoke with her at church. once sharing this story about them riding his motorcycle together. an abell has been wanting to ride with had he and go with me here and there and the bike was doing 34 degrees this morning and she was a trooper. she did not complain. she just sat back behind me and rode. an abell went to church anyway without them. one thing that gives me a sli ver of encouragement was the fact that bel was surrounded yesterday by her church family