And way book rough welcome to the program a fiery anniversary today across france as the Yellow Vest Movement marks one year since 1st taking to the streets in paris police used water cannon and tear gas to disperse at times violent crowds the movement which has been accused of tolerating antisemitism and nationalist views in its ranks is attracting fewer people these days yet activists say theyll keep up the pressure on the government to improve the lives of regular workers. Then numbers have dropped since they peaked last year but frances you know best protesters are still determined to take a stand against inequality in time living costs the movements 1st anniversary soon the now familiar confrontation with riot police on the streets of paris. I was shocked to read a book i couldnt even breathe there was some much tear gas if the guy from mcdonalds hadnt opened the door for me id be on my way to hospital these imbeciles keep firing tear gas at as. The yellow vests want to make it cl