king abdullah of jordan, who is not simply the muslim king of a muslim country, unlike our president. he called obama a muslim king. do you think the president cares or is that part of the reason that he chose bolton is because of that? well, you know, remember, donald trump spent five 1/2 years lying about president obama s birth certificate and playing around with these sort of anti-islam database islamphobiaic theories as well catering to the crowd in his base. he to know these were bolton s views. he watches fox news, saw bolton on fox news where he spews this venom. and it s consistent with the other people who donald trump has appointed all along. he doesn t seem to care because there are no consequences for this type of behavior, these types of appointments. and because this is not an appointment that has to be confirmed by the senate there is
over with democrats and republicans pointing the finger at the other for the shutdown. the republicans brarnding it the schumer shut on your, but democrats say president trump is the one to hold accountable. jordan, is one party to blame? how might this backfire and will some of the blame fall at the feet of president trump? it looks like there is a lot of blame to be cast around. you look at the poll numbers. it s a mixed picture. republicans and the president are taking some of the blame, but so are democrats. when you have a situation where both sides are dug in and don t want to give up on their position. but you would think it would bring them to the table to reach an agreement. but both sides are dug in and no real agreement in sight. they are going to vote tonight
facts on the ground. it doesn t act in this childish way to not meet with the vice president. i think that the palestinian cause far more harm than good. in a sense abbas plane to his base. he had the average a speech in questioning the deaths in the holocaust, saying that would rather be killed in europe then move to israel. i mean, how can you negotiate in good faith so with someone who espouses that. look, make the service this anti-semitism for a long time and it may well be his appealing to his base. right now in the west bank lives and occupies territory. so they are not in anywhere close to the situation they want to be. i hope at some point the administration recognizes and perhaps that it is already quietly the two state solution isn t going anywhere. if anything, king abdullah of
doing so. so what he s now doing is giving israel a green light to continue to build and expand settlements in jerusalem. to continue to demolish palestinian homes, and to continue to evict palestinians from their homes, and those palestinians who are living in jerusalem. he has put a nail in the coffin on the peace process, and what he s done more than that is he s sanctioned and allowed this policy of might is right to take place not just here but throughout the world. you know, king king, king of saudi arabia has said to the president in the conversation, moving the u.s. embassy is a dangerous step that provokes the feelings of muslims around the world. king abdullah of jordan, provokes muslims and christians alike. pope francis talked about it. in the end, though, have these other countries, even has the palestinian authority done enough to advance this cause? because the last time you and i talked one of the things were you telling me is that palestinians on the ground are
very diligently on new approaches to the peace process. they have been engaged in a quiet way with many in the region around that process. the president spent much of yesterday engaging with leaders in the middle east to get their reaction. let s put up a graphic on screen so you can see some of the people he talked to. benjamin netanyahu, prime minister of israel. mahmoud abbas, the president palestinian authority. king abdullah of jordan. el-sisi of egypt and king salman of saudi arabia. they all publicly with the exception of netanyahu expressed their dismay at this idea that the embassy was going to be moved. they thought it would be a grave mistake. some of them and could definitely affect the peace process. at the nato summit that we were talking about that the secretary of state was speaking at a short time ago, turkey s foreign minister weighed. in listen to what he said. going to be a grave mistake. it will not bring