Algeria demandes for all of its archives over more than 130 years of colonial history with France.
On Monday, the director of the Algerian archives, Abdelmadjid Chikhi said the demand is only necessary in the logic of building peaceful and balanced relations the two countries.
Algeria had earlier this year received the skulls of 24 resistance fighters decapitated during France s colonial occupation of the North African country, and which had been stored for decades in a Paris museum.
The skulls, once viewed as war trophies by French colonial officers, were flown into Algiers airport earlier this year on a Hercules C-130 transport plane, escorted on arrival by Algerian fighter jets.
Honouring Algeria s Colonial Resistance
Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune was informed by French President Emmanuel Macron on Saturday that the report on the Algerian war and Colonisation memoir initially announced for December, will now be ready and delivered to the Elysée around mid-January.”
The heads of state who both recovering from coronavirus infections, have each appointed expert historian Abdelmadjid Chikhi for Algeria and Benjamin Stora for France to work on the highly anticipated project which explores a still burning issue, as the 60th anniversary of the independence of Algeria (1962) approaches.
The aim of the memoir is to promote Franco-Algerian reconciliation.