A Catholic priest, a policeman and 10 others conspired to commit a brutal murder in rural Malawi in 2018. A court has found them guilty of mutilating the 22-year-old victim for the pigment of his skin.
A Catholic priest, a policeman and 10 others conspired to commit a brutal murder in rural Malawi in 2018. A court has found them guilty of mutilating the 22-year-old victim for the pigment of his skin.
Berlin s belated offer of compensation for colonial atrocities won’t end the matter and is proving politically divisive, Germany has finally acknowledged that its colonial forces committed genocide against the Ovaherero and Nama and agreed to pay compensation, but these communities of central-eastern and southern Namibia say it is not enough.
SA Simon Witbooi - tracing the legacy of Hendrik Witbooi
Germany aware of illusions We in Germany have sold ourselves the illusion that we came out of the colonial times with just a few scrapes or that German colonialism was too short to create lasting damage, declared Minister of Foreign Affairs Michelle Müntefering during a parliamentary session. Germany became a colonial power relatively late, only occupying African soil in the 1880s. It then lost these territories during the First World War.
German colonial forces are accused of perpetrating genocide against Herero and Nama people
It took over 100 years for a German government to acknowledge its colonial actions in Africa officially. In 2018, a coalition of CDU/CSU and SPD parties agreed to assess the country s colonial past.