Thirteen years after the commencement of the prophetic message, in the month of Rabee’ Al-Awwaal, the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, reached Madinah
Thirteen years after the commencement of the prophetic message, In the month of Rabee’ Al-Awwaal, the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, reached Madina
Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ): His birth and reality
The Creation of His Blessed Soul
When Allah made the Divine decree to bring Creation into existence, He brought forth the Muhammadan Reality from His Lights. He then pulled away from this Reality all the worlds, upper and lower. Allah then informed Muhammad of his Prophethood, while Adam was nothing but soul and body. Then from him gushed forth the springs of the souls, making him superior to all created things, and the greater father to all things in existence. In
Sahih Muslim, the Prophet (ﷺ) said that Allah wrote the Destinies of the Creation fifty thousands years before He created the Heavens and Earth, and His Throne was on the Water, and among the things that have been written in the Dhikr, which is the Mother of the Book, is that Muhammad (ﷺ) is the Seal of Prophets. Al Irbadh ibn Sariya, said that the Prophet (ﷺ) said, “According to Allah, I am the Seal of the Prophets, while Adam was still in clay.”