Varun Dhawan took to his Instagram account and dropped a series of pictures from his birthday celebrations. In the pictures, we can see his wife, Natasha Dalal standing behind him as he gets ready to cut the chocolate cake on his birthday.
Bollywood actor Shakti Kapoor reveals how his daughter Shraddha Kapoor and Chunky Panday's daughter Ananya Panday have to work tirelessly to establish themselves in the entertainment industry. He shares that to earn name and fame one need to work hard and there is no easy way to do so. |
Lauren has a great fan following of 3.1 million followers on Instagram. The stunning lady leaves no chance to impress the viewers with her style quotient. |
There's a diverse field of candidates running in New Hampshire's second congressional district Republican primary, including Lily Tang Williams, who grew up in China and said her time living in a communist country has shaped her view of democracy.