shepard: is that resented? governor romney has an uphill climb? reporter: he does. you look at the real clear politics average of recent polls in this state. the president has a lead, a slim one, but 49 percent to 45 percent. this is one of the states where if mitt romney s economic argument, the choice election that, in fact, john roberts was talking about a moment ago, if it is going to work it will is to work in the states like nevada. right now, though, the 39 president has the edge. shepard: thank you. 36 daze until the election itself and as we have been reporting national polls show it is a tight race. the washington post and abc survey shows president obama leading 49 percent to 47 percent. when you look at some of the wing states that could decide this thing the president has gained some ground recently. the size of the lead varies but the average from the polls from