Larges and also by and they are some legal resource ability for causing the deaths, who is more legally liable for the deaths of romeo and juliet . Please vote. Blue for thee parents. Let me know introduced the participants for this evening. First, and a special thanks always to the help we get from the United States Supreme Court justices marshall, pamela token. [applause] and counsel for the defendant, elizabeth b. Prevager, assistant to solicitor general and debbie solicitor general michael j. Aden. [applause] plaintiff, for cue. And lady monta [applause] in the Supreme Court of the principality of verona, u. S. Supreme Court Justice send alito , presiding united court of appeals for the d. C. Circuit judge thomas griffith, judge kavanagh, judge robert wilkins, and from the District Court please welcome judge jackson. And now i turn it over to the marshall. All rise. The Supreme Court of the principality of verona is now in session. Please be seated. We will hear argument in the cas