basically can t do business with anyone else. you can t trade. when you want to transfer money right now, you, karen, want to send some money to a foreign bank, you enter in a swift code or aba code. the recipient s bank account number. you send the money and pay a small transaction fee and it takes a day or two if it s overseas. you can t do that in iran. not if you re a business. not if you re an individual. you can t use credit cards. so it s very difficult to live. you have a situation with almost hyperinflation going on in iran right now. that s been for the last several years. israel thinks this is working. and the united states thought for a while, this is working. the question is, if iran is now coming to the table and saying, we want out. we are willing to take some steps to change the dynamics that maybe you should at least engage. but you have to go in with your eyes wide open. also very quickly, iran, this is also connected to what s happening in syria. because, i mean, i