Jan 29, 2021
The Iron Mountain-Kingsford Branch of the American Association of University Woman is celebrating its 100-year anniversary in 2021. The local branch is the oldest branch in the Upper Peninsula and the sixth-oldest branch in the state. This is part of a series of articles highlighting AAUW’s local projects that support the community and where they plan to go in 2021 and beyond.
Iron Mountain/Kingsford Branch President
AAUW is a nationally recognized nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that strives to promote equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy. For the past century, the Iron Mountain/Kingsford Branch of AAUW has supported this mission by providing college scholarships and promoting equity for women and girls through mission-based programs, Speech Trek competition, annual book sale and Candidates’ Forum. We are appealing to young women to help carry us into the next century. Many organizations are struggling to at