Director Dharani Rajendran shared an official statement about thre Yaathisais success at the Box Office. It reads, Happy to announce yaathisai became successful in box office and critically acclaimed movie. Considering the grand release of Ponniyin Selvan 2, today is considered to be the last day of Yaathisais successful shows.
Yaathisai continues to lead at the box office collection among all the Tamil films that were released last week. The film holds an upper hand over Yogi Babus Yaanai Mugathaan and Vemals Deiva Machan that were released on the same day. It is not an easy task for a periodic film that is made in a minimum budget to win bigger than the typical commercial comedy films.
Yaathisai is gaining more positive word of mouth publicity. Tamil speaking audience across the globe are interested in watching the film. The perfect time of releasing this film one week ahead of Ponniyin Selvan 2 is the major reason for such a good reception.