“Finding Nemo” is the widely known, critically acclaimed and heartwarming story of an orange clownfish and his loving father. Tuesday marked the film’s 20th anniversary and it holds up to this day. “Finding Nemo” is woven with themes of family, loss of a loved one, addiction, disability and more. Like many other Pixar movies,.
Sufjan Stevens’ latest album, “Reflections,” came out on Friday. Those who actively follow Stevens’ work know that he is a dynamic singer, songwriter, composer and musician however, “Reflections” was received with mixed reviews. “Reflections” is a ballet score written by Stevens for ballet choreographer Justin Peck. It is written for 11 dancers and two.
Sufjan Stevens’ latest album, “Reflections,” came out on Friday. Those who actively follow Stevens’ work know that he is a dynamic singer, songwriter, composer and musician however, “Reflections” was received with mixed reviews. “Reflections” is a ballet score written by Stevens for ballet choreographer Justin Peck. It is written for 11 dancers and two.